Thursday, 19 May 2011

Surgeon update...

Just returned from the UK where I got to see Mr S for my annual check-up! X-rays looked fine and didn't explain why I have been experiencing quite severe but intermittent pain in my right butt (and radiating down the leg at times). In fact whilst in the UK I was in pretty bad shape - got pretty frightened really - was like going back in time, limping around and popping Tramadol like it was going out of fashion! Mind you flying long distance never helps and we racked up something like 1,000 miles in 6 days visiting family and friends - so I guess you could say a lot of it was self-inflicted. Anyway, surgeon recommended physio and an MRI just to be sure. So here I am back in Canada, with 2 physio sessions this week alone under my belt.

Turns out I have a lumbopelvic muscle imbalance and a right-sided sacro-iliac dysfunction. I'm not surprised to be honest - I've found it really hard to stay disciplined with my pilates and swimming programmes - it's all been a bit piecemeal this past year since emigrating here.

What can I say? bit of a wake up call really. Got to get back into the exercise now and shed some pounds - there's no doubt that being thinner always bring relief to my back. Onward and upward...