Tuesday, 1 September 2009

DYNESYS - doing what it says on the tin!

Sorry for radio silence these past 12 days, been with in-laws in Toronto and totally powered down! Wedding was fab. Did I dance my ass off? You bet! Paid for it the next day, but boy was it worth it :-) Did plenty of walking and even got some gentle canoeing / kayaking in up at the lakes. Got back this morning after a 7 hr flight - pain was do-able but feet swelled up elephant-man stylie despite getting up plenty and exercising during the journey. Stiff now.

If you'd told me a year ago I'd be doing any of this stuff I would've laughed. And hard... Sure I suffer afterwards but with the right exercise and some meds, it passes.

So... all you out there post-op, hang in there. 11 months on, I'm doing 'stuff' and pretty much drug free!!! Woop woop. Recovery's been slow and I've had setbacks BUT dynesys is doing what it says on the tin! Please don't despair or give up.

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