Wednesday 4 November 2009

Getting it all into perspective...

Below is an extract from a dear friend's story regarding CANCER. As I am at the one year stage regarding Dynesys, I quote her at the same stage in her recovery (thankfully she is celebrating 2 years in remission this month). I include this because there are times in our lives when it doesn't do any harm to put our own shyte into perspective...

So, what happens when everything finishes. Certainly no trumpet fanfare, but I have to say everybody keeps their eye on you. My headaches continued resulting in a brain scan. Niggling pain in my shoulder resulting in X-ray. Urine infection resulting in Bladder and Kidney scan. All accompanied with sirens and whistles in my head each time I have to wait for the results. This panic when awaiting results, will hopefully diminish in time, but will probably never completely leave me.

It is now a year on. I have had my mammogram, everything is fine. I frequently think of the past year and during the early months would have given anything to have my body and mind back as they were pre 20/07/07. It is such a cliché, but, without a doubt everything has to happen for a reason. Making sense of the reasons can be hard. Something had to happen to slow me down. Yes, I would rather have sprained my ankle, but, as my mum said ‘It would take more than that to stop you’. I would have carried on with crutches!!

Why me?

Well, I just know I really could not have coped if my children or family members were given the diagnosis of cancer. And, the same for my friends who are lucky enough to have not been directly affected by Cancer…

I was the best person for the job…

It just had to be me…

In awe! Floored!

You're one special lady J who deserves THE BEST and ALL that life has to give x

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