Thursday, 9 July 2009

10 days drug free...

Overall, I'm finding that I have more energy and am less tired than ever before, which means that I am able to do more. I've added 30 mins on the recumbant to my day - burning some 300+ calories doing that, RESULT, so far it seems to be OK. Making sure I'm still taking plenty of rests as am experiencing stiffness and discomfort (as opposed to out-and-out pain). All do-able though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say Thank You for starting the Blog and Facebook group. I just signed up yesterday after doing a google search. I am scheduled for the surgery on the 30th of July and am reading anything and everything I can get my hands on. I am hopeful to soon be pain medication free in the near future.
It is a lonely existence and I desperately want to do more then exist. I want the activity back in my live and I hope this is the right choice to get there. I read both the blog and groups postings back to front, its good to know I'm not alone in this expierence.

Again Thank You for sharing.