Sunday, 23 November 2008

5 weeks on.... overwhelming feelings

This past week has been OK - still experiencing various problems with my right leg and still on 16 tablets a day BUT I am improving! I know if I sit for too long that I will experience lots of pain in the right leg above the knee and if I walk too much, then it will play me up below the knee... The top of the leg has been hurting me now for 2 days but I'm hoping that some exercise a bit later tonight will 'free' up the nerve(s) that are acting up. Biggest problem still is constipation caused by the morphine & codeine based pills - Dr Vic's expectant face followed by "Anything?" every time I leave the loo just makes me laugh out loud - bless him!

Funny thing started to happen to me this week - and it may be because I can now concentrate on other stuff - and that has been the wave of feelings, good and bad, that have come over me. On the odd occasion that I've been out in the car I've been worried that Dr Vic is going to drive into the back of someone or someone is going to crash into us and jolt my back. I'm worried with the winter coming about falling over. Worried to wear any other shoes than the bright green Crocs that have been a feature of my feet for the past 5 weeks - they're non-slip, light, shock-absorbent and SAFE! I'm panicking about travelling by plane again! I'm not normally an anxious person but I seem to be worried about lots of stuff now.

I've also been feeling a lot of anger and sadness about the last 5 years. Anger about the many times I've had to justify to non-believers that I had a back problem or was in pain. If I had a pound for every time someone said I didn't look like someone with a bad back or walk like a typical back sufferer then I would be a rich person. We don't all walk around doubled over in sack-cloth and ashes ringing a bell, "unclean, unclean, oh woe is me"!! Some of us just get on with it... The sadness I feel is for my "old life" - my career, London, social life, skiing, gym, having a good drink! Most of all, spontaneity - the freedom to do anything without really thinking about it too much. I have lost count of the number of holidays and social engagements that I have had to cancel or miss. Sadness that whilst I thankfully have some very loyal and caring friends, others have fallen by the wayside. Why? For some it was distance, others unreliability (mine) and for others I guess they identified with the "old Kelly" - the 'game-on girlie' who was up for pretty much anything - they wanted that girl back! She's gone, went a long time ago... I'm still the same person inside but I have to live my life differently now. Out of necessity, enforcement even, I have a different focus. And whilst I may have a disability, I've still got a life, and a bloody good one at that! it might have taken me a damn long time to accept and get used to that idea (and I did have quite prolonged bouts of depression along the way) but you know what, I like my life now. I've come to accept the new me but who knows what the next 12 months will bring? A NEW new me maybe???? Bring it on, I'm ready...


Anonymous said...

Have been waiting for this Kelly.
I think you're doing fantastic. I know you have the fabulous Dr Vic and I am certainly no nurse, but I do know a little bit about constipation.......
Be sure to drink approx 2 litres of water a day you need to flush all the drugs around and out again, instead of blocking up your system. Also Movicol sachets are great approx 3 per day. You probably know all of this anyway. Will call you for a proper catch up. Love to you both.
Jax & Dave

Anonymous said...

Dear Kelly
Pleased to hear you are improving, at least you know what you can or can't do. Soon you will be able to do it all and not even think about it. It just takes time. So keep your chin up and we WILL SEE a new new Kelly once you have fully recovered! I think these feelings you are having are quite normal after major surgery like you have had. By the way Liquorice works for me!! They sell soft Liquorice in Sainsburys and its a delicious. I only need a few of them, but once i start i always end up eating the whole packet!!
Take care, love the pic of Vic by the way, he looks cuddly!!

Anonymous said...

Oh and by the way, nothing wrong with bright green Crocs, i have a bright pink pair!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry should have put my name on the last two posts as not sure if you know who they come from, i always just click the 'Anon' button...anyway, they are from Angela xx

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You're great! You have a right to feel all of those emotions....good for you - acknowledging them, facing them, expressing them and using them to get to know the new, new you!

I didn't know the old you, I loved the new you and I'm impressed as all hell by the new, new you.

Love and admiration
Mary Ennis

Anonymous said...

Well when we met you till now I think you are still the same Happy go lucky person. If there was any pain you sure didn't complain.There is no problem in feeling scared. Your wondering if all this pain will be worth it Just keep all your faith and God will help you through all your fears Just have faith and all will go well Keep up your spirits
Best wishes

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly, just like my cousin Mary I do not know the old you but was astounded when I knew the pain you were in as I always saw you smiling. I am sure the future you will be just you as we all love you no matter what. We would be glad when you are free of pain. Just smile and everything will fall in place you'll see.
Hugs and kisses

Anonymous said...

Hi Vic and Kelly

How are things going?
Hope that everything is still inpruving
hope that Kelly is doing better
Dr. Vic keep the good work and hoping to see both of you soon
to morrowis the party for uncle Joe 80th birthday family only
and wish thatwere hear with us
love you both Jene and Marian

Grumpy old.MateyLott said...

Glad to hear you are getting on so well.
See my Surgeon at QEQM Margate on Wednesday. First appointment with ANYONE since my Op. on 7th Oct.
Wish mine had worked like yours seems to have. Unfortunatly I am 100% worse than before the Op.
Can't win 'em all
Tony B