This blog has been a life-saver for me - it has given me something to focus on during my recovery and it's been cathartic. Your wonderful, uplifting, caring, supportive and funny comments have helped me through some rough days, for which I am indebted, thank you. It has allowed me to stay in contact with family and friends when I often have not wanted conversation or company. It has put me in contact with 16 'spineys' to-date, and as a result I'm lucky to have made some wonderful new friends. If along the way I have informed, helped you make a decision regarding surgery/meds/exercise, made you realise you're not alone (and don't have to be), made you laugh or just helped you wile away a few minutes then I have achieved what I set out to do!
But I guess it was inevitable, what with this being the www. and all, that this blog would attract the attention of the not-so-nice element of our society. We all have our names for them - ill-informed, know-alls, disbelievers, superior (they think), negative, bitter, spiteful, mean, jealous... I could go on. And it is because of one such individual that I have had to make a change to the way that your comments are handled. In future, comments will NOT appear immediately - I'm sorry - but it has become necessary for me to vet them before they appear, which I will try to do daily.
So to Anonymous (of 31.1.09 19:06 hrs) - if you don't believe or like what you read on this blog - do me a favour - take your tricky comments elsewhere, go and be hurtful to someone else!
To friends and family who may be shocked by the quite venomous comment I felt compelled to write yesterday in response to Anonymous, I'm sorry if I disappoint you. But kick a good dog when it's down and one day it might just bite back...