Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Torture at the hands of the "physical terrorists"!!!

Attended my first NHS 'Back & Core Conditioning' sesh today at the Rehabilitation Centre. First hour was a discussion on back and pain management - it was v.well done but wasn't of much value to me I'm afraid - beneficial to the 'new' spineys in the group though. What then followed was an hour of what can only be described as circuit training for the spine... 3 minutes on each of the following: bikes, steppers, wobble boards, trampolines, weight pulleys, fitballs, theraband and abdominals.  My anxiety/panic levels rose the moment the physios started explaining the circuit. I was well out of my comfort zone and just a little bit panicky. The circuit was extremely challenging.  It soon became clear that whilst my core stability is A1, the same can't be said about weight bearing/carrying, bikes & steppers.

Burst into tears in the car - can't explain why really... Panic release? Shock at how difficult it had been? Relief it was over? Rise in pain and worry about tomorrow? Realisation that I still have a long way to go? Who knows. 

Oh well, at least I'll know what to expect next week.

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