Thursday, 26 March 2009

Routine maintenance...

Well, all I can say this week is that after 5 months I finally have some sort of routine - albeit, one almost without diversity or excitement! My routine revolves around exercise and rest, although I have been getting out and about a bit more now that the weather has turned.

The good thing to come out of all of this is that I have shaped up. Literally. I spoke in an earlier post about my 'new toosh' - well it doesn't stop there. My body shape is changing before my very eyes - although there's not much movement on the scales I have dropped a dress size. Reason I'm surprised is because I was doing Pilates, core and swimming regularly pre-op... there's obviously something I'm doing now that is making a HUGE difference though. Not complaining... nor is Dr. Vic LOL.

Second bit of good news is that my hair, nails and skin have started to improve - hair is still thinning but there's definitely a slowdown and it now looks shiny and healthy. Nails are rock-hard. Improvement is primarily down to specific vitamins / products recommended to me. If your body is depleted post-op and you're experiencing similar problems to me, try these... Redken hair products and Perfectil / Nutracap vitamin supplements. Splurged on some facials but that's more as a itsy-bitsy feelgood treat than a fix ;-)

1 comment:

Angela said...

Hi Kelly..sounds like you are doing really well now! Love reading your blog and i am sure others on the group do too.

Keep up the good work, you are doing great!