Thursday 16 October 2008


Well, after my shopping yesterday today I've turned my attention to preparations at home.

Been to see my GP and topped up on my meds. Oh by the way, I hope all of you out there who are taking and paying for loads of prescription drugs have applied for a Prescription Prepayment Certificate (PPC). Basically if you spend more than £102.50 per year on prescription drugs then it is worth your while - after paying for 14 prescription items you get the rest of your drugs FREE! GRATIS! You can pay for 6 months at a time and on Direct Debit so don't just think about it, do it!

Made contact with the District Nurses (via my GP), who have put me at ease regarding my after-care. They will be changing my dressings and so on, and on-call should I have any problems, which is comforting as my surgeon and his team are miles away...

Made contact with a guy near Faversham, Kent who had the op two weeks ago and others worldwide - we're 'talking' via the Spine Health forum. They have a number of threads on-the-go about Dynesis - some genuinely nice people are posting helpful comments and advice up there - definitely worth a look all you back sufferers out there. Oh, and I've set up a Dynesis group on Facebook - I'm hoping that it might attract some interest.

Next hair appointment is Xmas week, eeekkk!! Roots will be so grey by then, just call me Morticia. Oh and I don't even want to think about the 'other' hair situation. Ladies, you know what I mean!!! They say facial hair is in. As are 90 deniers. Just as well then...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi sunshine, just thought I'd drop you note to say what a wonderful job you are doing.