Monday, 13 October 2008

MRSA and other stuff...

What was uppermost in my mind when I went for my pre-op assessment last Thursday? Yep, you guessed it, MRSA. Isn't it for anyone going into hospital in the UK? I was clear in my mind - no catheter (I will crawl to a commode if necessary) or drains please. And get me out of hospital pronto.

It became clear during my assessment that MRSA is also upmost on the staff's agenda too. Apart from blood pressure, ECG, blood and urine I was also required to give MRSA swabs (from nostril and groin). I've been given a bottle of Hibiscrub that I must wash with, neck down, twice before surgery (evening before and on the morning). A note was made on my file regarding the catheter and I was assured there would be no drains. I've been told a physio will be getting me up on my feet either the same evening or first thing the next morning! I can expect to be in hospital for 2-3 days after the op.

Regarding pain relief, as I feel breakthrough pain I am to tell the nurses. I can also take my meds (apart from Naproxen which I have to stop 7 days prior) the morning of surgery - which means I no longer have to panic about how I am going to make the 100 mins journey to Hastings without drugs.

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