Sunday, 19 October 2008

15 hours and counting...

Feeling remarkably calm, guess I know that it will all be over in 24 hours! My personal PA (hubby) will be posting my progress and thoughts up here for a while.

A big 'mwah' and thanks to you all for your kind thoughts and prayers.



Kathy and Barry said...

Just wanted to wish you all the best of luck in the world. We'll be thinking of you and know that Vic will be by your side every step of the way.

Keep smiling Kelly, as always!

All our love

Kathy and Barry xxx

Anonymous said...

Dear Kelly

A big day for both you and Vic! We will be thinking of you and wish you a speedy recovery.Look forward to seeing you when you are well enough.. Love the site by the way!

Lots and lots of Love

Barry and Sandra XXX

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly

Were thinking of you today! hope the operation goes smoothly and your not in to much pain. Your a tough cookie I know you'll be fine.

Love ya lots Evonne, Aydin, Lilly and Milo xx : )